Thursday, June 11, 2020

Florida Greeneyes - Berlandiera subacaulis

Florida is home to 2 species of greeneyes (Berlandiera spp.). Florida greeneyes (B. subacaulis) is the only one unique to our state. It is endemic to a region that covers most of the peninsula, but it overlaps the range of soft greeneyes (B. pumila) only occasionally.  Where it does, it sometimes hybridizes with it. Florida greeneyes occurs in a variety of habitats, but always in areas with well-drained sandy soils. It does not tolerate flooding.
This is a long-lived perennial wildflower that often holds its leaves through winter. The basal leaves are variable in length (from 1-4 inches long), a bit downy beneath, narrow and deeply notched along their length. Unlike soft greeneyes, these plants stay rather close to the ground and the flower stalks rarely reach more than 18 inches tall.
Flowering can occur throughout the year in frost-free areas. Each bloom is 1-2 inches across and consists of bright yellow ray petals surrounding a green disc of yellow disc flowers. These differ from the reddish ones of B. pumila, and they lack the chocolate fragrance. Many flowers can be produced at any one time. They attract the attention of a great many pollinators.
Florida greeneyes is a superb wildflower for a sunny/sandy mixed wildflower planting because of its size and extended flowering season. Thankfully, it often is available commercially. It is tolerant of most typical landscape settings and individual plants gain girth over the years. It also is easy to grow from ripe seed.


  1. I have this plant that I started from seed I collected. Blooms are not 12-18 inches, but 1-2 inches. It is very slow to germinate and grow, but once it gets going hard to kill even in a dry totally sunny area.

    1. Thanks for catching my mistake....... I've since corrected it.


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