Sunday, July 12, 2015

Summer Open House - Inventory Reduction Garage Sale - Saturday August 8. 9 am-1 pm

Flyr's nemesis

Halberd-leaved rosemallow - Hibiscus furcellatus

 It is time once again to reduce the number of plants we have growing on the side of our home. The plants we need for our landscape have been set aside. The rest are extra and we'd love to share them with you at our upcoming Open House/Plant Garage Sale.  
Chapman's blazing star
 Email me for a list of all we have extras of at the moment and/or for directions and questions.  Our hours will be 9 am- 1 pm, Saturday August 8


  1. Belated thanks for putting on the open house, it was definitely worth the trip from Sarasota. Came primarily the pale passionvine but ended up with ten pots in my car somehow. In hindsight I definitely should have bought more, though.

  2. Thanks, Henry - and everyone else that stopped by. Alexa and I will likely do this again in the spring. Our inventory changes as we grow new things and come up with some extras. I'll be pulling together a new list as seeds germinate - or not.

  3. What is the main ID difference between halberd leaved rosemallow and Hibiscus grandiflora?

    1. Many, actually. While grandiflora is a wetland plant that does best in shallow water or seasonally inundated conditions, furcellatus occurs in moist to seasonally wet flatwoods - it is more drought tolerant. It also is evergreen. Grandiflorus dies back tot he ground in winter. Furcellatus is covered by tiny still hais, grandiflorus is not. Furcellatus has flowers that do not open fully - see photo above, while grandiflorus does.Those are some of the major differences as I see it. They are very difference plants.


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